Author Archives
Charlie James
I’ve talked a bit before about brewing beer with my brother-in-law, Tim. This is the label I made a long time ago, based on Tim’s concept. He was inspired by this very cool cat named Samson. Tim saw Samson taking a dump and just looking kind of pissed off about the whole situation. In that moment, Angry Pussy Ale was born. Anyhow, just posting this to say goodbye to Samson. At least he’s done with the box.
Grandpa’s cameo
I got a job designing a poster for a local community college theater. The play is called “My First Time,” and it’s based on the website of the same name (NSFW). Basically lots of stories from lots of folks about their first time having sex. Entertaining stuff. Anyhow, when I got the job I thought it would be an appropriate place for Gus to make an appearance. Here you see the result, minus all the wordy stuff about show-times and whatnot. The girl originally had more cleavage and was standing up while Grandpa checked out her butt, but I was asked to tone it down a bit.
SO for all you GSM fans (his facebook page has 85 followers–big time, huh?), sorry this isn’t a full-on comic like from back in the old days, but it’s the best I can give at the moment. Hope you dig it anyway.
The Moose Riders, Page 17
Jason Brubaker, the man behind reMIND (an awesome graphic novel that he’s been posting online, along with some insights into his process), has now provided a forum for other like-minded creators to discuss the making of graphic novels, appropriately titled MakingGraphicNovels.com. Very cool stuff going on there.
The Moose Riders, Page 16
Sorry again for the wait. Still haven’t been able to re-establish a regular routine, but I’m making efforts in that direction. Thanks for sticking with me.
I dig Scott Pilgrim. Loved the books, was super excited about the movie, saw it at midnight opening night, and couldn’t stop grinning like an idiot through much of the movie. SO much fun. My son, who also loved the books, was super excited to see the movie, but unable to do so opening weekend. I told him I’d take him to see it for his birthday in just a few weeks. Based on all the joy from the Comic-Con screening, I had assumed it was safe to promise that it would still be in theaters on his birthday. Then I heard about the disappointing box office numbers and I couldn’t understand it. It did so poorly that when my son turned 12, a mere 3 weeks after it opened, SP was no longer at any of the nearby theaters. WTF?
I tried to compensate for my failure as a father by making Scott’s face out of fondant on his birthday cake (made by my wife). Turned out pretty well, I think, aside from the apparent need of orthodontia.So the day after his party, (on my birthday, actually) I tweeted the cake to Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley (@radiomaru) and he re-tweeted it to his fans AND faved it on deviantArt. Pretty swell, huh? My brushes with greatness now include not only seeing Danno from Hawaii 5-O at the airport when I was a kid, but also receiving polite acknowledgment from an actual famous person.
I’m so awesome.
For a lousy dad, anyway.
Ah well, at least he’ll be able to watch the DVD.
The Moose Riders, Page 15
Ok, here’s page 15, a month or so behind schedule. Page 16 is in the works, but again, my summer has not allowed me much time for The Moose Riders, so don’t count on it anytime soon. Thanks for your patience!
The Moose Riders, Page 14
Run! Trip! Stumble!
I hope you’ve been digging The Moose Riders so far. I know we aren’t very far along and not much of anything has happened yet. We’re getting closer to seeing how the kids first meet the moose, and maybe getting their names as well. Also, I know some of you are tired of reading a rass-a-frassin’ zombie comic with no rass-a-frassin’ zombies in it–they are coming, I promise.
This page was finished on May 20th, but as I write this post on the 28th, there is not much progress on page 15. End-of-school-year stuff has had me busy. Now summer vacation is about to start, along with all the extra stuff that comes with it (roof repair and web design in this case). That, along with the lack of an 11″x17″ scanner at home, means that updates are likely to become spotty.
That spotty update thing can be a harbinger of doom for a lot of webcomics, but I’m determined not to let The Moose Riders peter out like Grandpa Sex Machine and The Sin Police. So, for the handful of you that are reading, please try to bear with me and stick it out through the summer. I will update as often as I can, but try not to get too annoyed if a few Mondays go by without any new pages.
Anyhow, thanks for reading and Happy Memorial Day.
The Moose Riders, Page 13
So, if you look at the bottom of the left sidebar there, you’ll see that I’ve started up one of those Twitter accounts so I can…tweet and…whatnot. I’m a bit embarrassed by the whole thing, really. The fact that I have a blog and post my stupid thoughts and my silly pictures is a bit pretentious already–the idea that I have anything worthwhile to contribute to the world at large seems conceited at times. I shied away from Twitter for a long time because it’s even MORE self-centered to assume that the People demand to be kept abreast of all my various mundane activities and random mood changes.
The thing is, as time went on, I found my self checking in on the twittering of various comic/art folks (and Shit My Dad Says, of course). It became more and more apparent that a Twitter account would be helpful, just so I could follow all these people in one central location. I know I could always just follow those guys and not make any tweets myself, but as long as I’ve got the account, I figured I’d give it a shot.
So, anyhow, if you are into that whole Twitter thing, I invite you to follow, even if only out of pity.
The Moose Riders, Page 12
Oh farts…
The Moose Riders, Page 11
Ugh. I started out with a four week buffer on The Moose Riders and have now run out of pages. I’m still working a few days ahead, but if I don’t figure out a better way to manage my time, I’m going to start missing updates. Farts.
BTW, you know that skateboard shop I’ve got? Well, the POD service that handles it is raising their prices. I’m not selling enough decks to justify spending $12 a month just to keep the shop open, SO if you want a skateboard deck with the Moose Riders or Grandpa Sex Machine or any of the other items I’ve got in there, you need to order BEFORE Friday, 5/14. Cool? Thanks.