Two kids on the run from a zombie apocalypse befriend a wild moose in the Alaskan wilderness. Good times.

Inspired by my own kids and the rocking-moose they used to play with.

The Moose Riders, Coming Soon

1 Comment on The Moose Riders, Coming Soon

A Zombie Apocalypse separates two children from their parents while on a camping trip in Alaska. The kids befriend a moose who becomes their guardian against the shambling hordes. I’ve been slowly putting this comic together for awhile now and have finally quit dragging my feet on it. Hoping to start making pages available to […]

The Moose Riders, Page 7

3 Comments on The Moose Riders, Page 7

Beginning of a long flashback sequence here. Not entirely thrilled with the transition–switching to black and white for a flashback seems a bit heavy-handed, but it serves the purpose (and makes coloring go much faster). There’s an interview with me up over at–not sure if there are any big revelations, but go ahead and […]