The Moose Riders, Chapter 2

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Ok, here we go with Chapter 2. Not sure if I’m entirely satisfied with this cover, so don’t be surprised if it changes a bit over the next couple days. Since today is Creator-Owned Day, though, I felt like I should update today, whether I had it fully tweaked or not.

I wrote this script two years ago, and as I re-read it recently I kept going, “Oh, yeah. I remember that.” I think I’ll be tweaking the script a bit as I go (as I did with Chapter 1), but the plan is to keep on plugging along.

Now that Chapter 1 is complete, I’m thinking about printing it, but maybe I’ll just wait until the whole story is finished. Still debating. I’ve never gotten a comic prepped for printing, so I’m guessing there will be a lot of stuff I have to fix along the way, which makes printing each chapter sound like a good idea to me. I look back at some of the art and think that I need to make some changes here and there anyway.

Happy March!

The Moose Riders, Page 32

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Welcome to the end of Chapter 1. The colors are killing me. I want to be able to digitally paint like Daniel Lieske and Lois van Baarle, but they have this grasp of light and color that seems almost supernatural to me.

Anyway, I was on a roll–I had penciled and inked pages 31 and 32 within the space of 3 days, but the coloring has slowed me down a bit. Have to get going on the cover to Chapter 2 next–will post ASAP.

EDIT: Color was bugging me–just tweaked it a bit.

The Moose Riders, Page 31

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Thus ends the flashback, which means a return to color. Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten what little I knew about coloring comics, because that last panel is a bit hideous. Yeesh.

Chapter one ends on the next page, which I’ve already penciled and inked–hopefully I’ll get my color problems sorted out quickly and have the page up soon.

The Moose Riders, Page 30

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Here’s page 30–on a Thursday! With crazy-weird perspective on that SUV, too! And the angriest moose ever!

Hope you’ve been digging the recent pages. If you like, please spread the word. I know my lousy update history lost whatever small audience I had built up, so any help you can give to recruit new readers would be appreciated. Like Chrome Dome on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, spraypaint the URL on billboards, etc.

Flashback ends on page 31.

The Moose Riders, Page 28

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Guess who shows up on the next page?

My sister and her husband have gotten all fit and healthy lately and so I’ve started running to try to turn around my sad and sedentary life. Been at it 3 or 4 weeks now–still not digging it. I hear about runners that can’t skip it for a day without jonesin’ hard. Not sure how long it takes to get to that point, but I wish I would, because this crap sucks.

The Moose Riders, Page 27

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I think I might have put up a whopping 3 pages in 2011. Sad, huh? I’m hoping 2012 is a bit more productive. Here is page 27, I scanned 28 yesterday and will begin laying out 29 shortly. Chapter 1 is 32 pages, so I’m finally inching toward a milestone.

Also, just in case you haven’t read the blog posts below, I want to give Comic Creators for Freedom one last plug on their final day of the 2012 donations drive. Donate some money to fight Human Trafficking, get a nice big snowball fight wallpaper. Win-win.

Donate to CC4F–Stop Human Trafficking!

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‘Sup, homies? Ready to do something nice for the human race? Well, here’s your chance. Comic Creators for Freedom begins their annual donation drive today. Donate $5 or more and you get a totally sweet wallpaper showing 127-ish female characters in this epic snowball fight. Even more importantly, your generous donation gets split between two very worthy causes in the fight against human trafficking, Love 146 and Gracehaven House. Help out.

CC4F Drive starts next Monday!

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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret

Wednesday, January 11th is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. To participate, we formed the Comic Creators for Freedom – a group of over 100 comic book creators who volunteered our artistic talents to raise money and awareness for this cause. You may not know it, but there are currently 27 million enslaved people worldwide- more than double the number of enslaved Africans during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. UNICEF estimates that 1.2 million children every year are sold into slavery, most of it sexual. The US Department of Justice estimates 16,000 victims of human trafficking are brought into the United States every year. Unlike slavery in the past, what is happening today is happening in secret.
It won’t end until awareness is raised, and people like you and me take a stand.

So here’s what we did: each creator contributed an original drawing of one of our own female characters, and combined them into a single wallpaper image! The wallpaper features characters from all over the web, including
Girls with Slingshots, The Dreamland Chronicles, Kukuburi, Earthsong Saga, Looking for Group, Love and Capes, The Dreamer, The Moose Riders, and tons more! Donate today to download this unique, once-in-a-lifetime wallpaper. The Donations Drive will last for two weeks, from Monday January 9th – 20th. All proceeds will be split evenly between Love 146 and Gracehaven House– two organizations working on rehabilitation of victims and prevention of this crime.

To learn more about the CC4F visit www.comiccreatorsforfreedom. To learn more about the problem, visit (Note: contains adult themes and actual accounts of sex slavery.)