The Moose Riders, Page 10
And off they go, into the woods.
And off they go, into the woods.
Ugh. I started out with a four week buffer on The Moose Riders and have now run out of pages. I’m still working a few days ahead, but if I don’t figure out a better way to manage my time, I’m going to start missing updates. Farts. BTW, you know that skateboard shop I’ve got? […]
Oh farts…
Drama! So, if you look at the bottom of the left sidebar there, you’ll see that I’ve started up one of those Twitter accounts so I can…tweet and…whatnot. I’m a bit embarrassed by the whole thing, really. The fact that I have a blog and post my stupid thoughts and my silly pictures is a […]
Run! Trip! Stumble! I hope you’ve been digging The Moose Riders so far. I know we aren’t very far along and not much of anything has happened yet. We’re getting closer to seeing how the kids first meet the moose, and maybe getting their names as well. Also, I know some of you are tired […]
Ok, here’s page 15, a month or so behind schedule. Page 16 is in the works, but again, my summer has not allowed me much time for The Moose Riders, so don’t count on it anytime soon. Thanks for your patience!
Sorry again for the wait. Still haven’t been able to re-establish a regular routine, but I’m making efforts in that direction. Thanks for sticking with me. I dig Scott Pilgrim. Loved the books, was super excited about the movie, saw it at midnight opening night, and couldn’t stop grinning like an idiot through much of […]
Decisions. Jason Brubaker, the man behind reMIND (an awesome graphic novel that he’s been posting online, along with some insights into his process), has now provided a forum for other like-minded creators to discuss the making of graphic novels, appropriately titled Very cool stuff going on there.
Trudge trudge trudge…