The Moose Riders, Page 100

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Well, here’s the big reveal. This joke would’ve been funnier 6 years ago, or even 4 years ago when I was outlining the story. I know Sarah Palin is less relevant now than she was at that time, but I’m hoping you still find it mildly humorous.

Haven’t posted much about my whole adoption thing lately (new readers can find previous posts on the subject here), but after this weekend, I feel compelled to bring it up again. Brief synopsis for those who don’t want to read the archives: my twin sister  and I were adopted at two-months old and then reunited with our birth family shortly after our 40th birthday. We’ve now spent a little over a year getting to know our birth parents, brothers, sisters, in-laws, nieces, and nephews, and it’s been an amazing experience.

We’ve spent the last two MLK weekends with as many of us as can make the trip hanging out at a rented log cabin in Branson, MO. Both times were a load of fun, with music and laughs and booze and SO MUCH FOOD. Three generations of my people playing and hugging and feeling the love. I still feel so fortunate to have had this opportunity to connect with my biological family. They really are a kind, smart, talented, and entertaining bunch.

So I guess that’s enough warm and fuzzy lists about my weekend. Hope yours was swell, too.

The Moose Riders, Page 99

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Happy New Year! For those of you in the STL metro area, The Jacoby Arts Center in Alton, Illinois has a comic book art show that opened last Friday and runs ’til the 17th. Sponsored by Dark Horse Artworks (not related to Dark Horse Comics), it features the works of 6 local artists, including 4 Moose Riders pieces. If you are in the area, stop by and check it out. After the snow plows have finished their work, of course.

The Moose Riders, Page 98

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So I’ve been using a Wacom Intuos 2 tablet for years now. I dig it, but I’ve been coveting a Cintiq for almost as many years. I was steeling myself to bite the bullet and shell out for one, but my lovely wife suggested I try out her iPad with a fancy-schmancy stylus instead. This page is the fruit of this experimental union–iPad Air, Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus, and the ProCreate app. Still using Photoshop for cleaning up the scan before and tweaking a few things after painting, and then lettering in Illustrator as always. A bit less convenient having to bounce the file around more, but more versatile, portable, and slightly less expensive than a Cintiq. Seems like a good thing, although after wanting that thing for so long, it’s tough to let go of the dream.

Comic Creators for Freedom is still doing it’s big fundraising drive–donate to them, help fight human trafficking, get a cool wallpaper!

The Moose Riders, Page 97

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Here’s page 97. If you don’t know much about Talkeetna, Alaska, that last panel will make more sense once page 98 is up.

So awhile back I participated in this awesome project called Comic Creators for Freedom, a fundraising event to help in the fight against human trafficking. Today is International Abolition Day, and the official kick-off date of this year’s fundraiser. Unfortunately, I was unable to participate this time around, but it’s still a good cause and your donation will not only help fight the fight, but it will also get you an awesome wallpaper featuring a HUGE selection of comic characters posing for their awkward school photos. Funny stuff for a good cause. Give ’til it hurts!

The Moose Riders, Page 96

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Day-job responsibilities have ramped up a bit, so I’m having a hard time finding the time to work on The Moose Riders. Sorry for the huge delay, but I’ll keep plugging away at it as I find the time.

In related news, I’ve bought the domain name and am in the process of adding the archive over there. It will still be available here, but I thought having a site that was entirely dedicated to The Moose Riders would be a good idea. Planning to have it fully operational by the time I post Page 97, which is drawn and scanned.

The Moose Riders, Chapter 4

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Sorry the 1-month hiatus turned into 2. March sucked and April was busy, but here we go with Chapter 4. Did a little research on Talkeetna, Alaska for this chapter. Seems like a groovy place and I’d love to go visit. If you know anyone from Talkeetna, please send them this way. If you ARE from Talkeetna, I hope you’ll forgive my changes/errors. I’m not intending to offend anybody 🙂

Chapter 3 is at the printer now–will let you know when it’s available for purchase. For you digital comics aficionados, the .PDF for Chapter 3 has been added to the TMR digital download store. Also, in celebration of Free Comic Book Day last Saturday, I made the Chapter 1 .PDF available FOR FREE! Planning to keep it that way for awhile, at least.

Rejected Cover

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Drew this 2 years ago (!) for the cover of Chapter 4, but as I mentioned last month, I’ve had to re-think Chapter 4 a bit. Also, the guest art I’ve been waiting for is still incomplete, so I’m forced to fill that empty page in issue 3 with something else in order to finally pass it along to the printer. Dusted off this drawing, added some color, and will put the file together for the printer ASAP. That guest art will eventually be finished–hopefully I’ll be able to stick it in the 4th issue.

ALSO…this Saturday is the first one in May, so don’t forget to swing by a comic shop and get your free comic books! To help celebrate, I am offering the digital version of the Moose Riders #1 FOR FREE! No purchase necessary. Just download that thing, read it, and if you dig it enough to spend a buck on Chapter 2 or 3, then come on back and get ’em!