Took a frustratingly long time trying to find a way to spell the sound of wheezing and ended up just using the word “wheeze.”
I want to take a minute to plug a couple things that don’t really need my plugs. First, Yirmumah! is back in action. Once upon a time DJ Coffman was a machine with this comic–you could count on updates come hell or high water. Then there was the Platinum Comics…thing. Yirmumah was set on the back burner for awhile, with a few sporadic updates here and there, but DJ has recently re-committed himself to the title. Awesome.
The other plug is for another comic that already has a huge following–Lackadaisy. When I first followed a link over there awhile back, I didn’t stick around for long–the cutesy/furry thing just didn’t seem like my bag. After rediscovering Lackadaisy on, though, I decided to give it a chance and read through the archives. It really is awesome, and I feel like an idiot for judging it based on my stupid first impression. Set in St. Louis during prohibition, the story is fun, the characters are fun, and Tracy Butler’s artwork is just flat out beautiful. Go read it now.