The Moose Riders, Page 54

3 Comments on The Moose Riders, Page 54

So I’ve been posting links to The Moose Riders on Reddit over the last few weeks and they’ve consistently been down-voted. It’s a bit discouraging, especially since there’s no critique involved. I have no way of knowing if folks don’t dig it because they don’t like the story or because it makes no sense to them jumping right in at the middle. Do they think the art sucks, or is the lack of backgrounds in just this current sequence of pages off-putting? I’m posting under “comics,” and most of the other links there seem to be gag comics–either strips or single panel cartoons. Maybe there’s a long-form comic sub-reddit that I’m missing and I get the down-votes because I’m posting in the wrong place? I don’t know what I’m doing wrong here. If any of you have input/advice, I’d appreciate it. Thanks!

The Moose Riders, Page 50

No Comments on The Moose Riders, Page 50

Here’s page 50. Just got back from a big family trip to Disney World and wasn’t sure if I’d have a page finished this week, but I managed to squeak it out. The trip was swell. My son hadn’t been there for years and didn’t remember much. This was the first time for my daughter, and she had a blast. And the road trip that I anticipated to be a steady stream of bickering and tears was actually much more tolerable than that. Sure, they fought, but not incessantly, which exceeded my expectations.

That mouse is rolling in cheddar, btw.

The Moose Riders, Pages 44-45

3 Comments on The Moose Riders, Pages 44-45

Here’s another tiny 2-page spread, so ENLARGE:

Let me point out a few examples of artistic license in action here. The vehicle is based a bit on my lovely wife’s RAV4–200K+ miles and still serving us faithfully. The gas cap is actually on the driver’s side, but I thought drawing the car pointing to the left caused an incongruity with the rest of the page. It’s also front-wheel drive, so the rear wheels probably shouldn’t be kicking up that much dust. And finally, my son would be far too embarrassed to take a leak on the side of the road. I think he’d rather pull a Tycho Brahe than whiz in public next to his old man.

Related to last week’s post: If you are aching for some Moose Riders merchandise, go check out my fancy new zazzle store. T-shirts, skateboard decks, coffee mugs, etc. emblazoned with six different designs. Check them out and if you see something you like, buy it! If you have some special request, let me know, and I’ll see if I can put it together.

Also, the original hand-drawn art for most of the pages are available for purchase. Most will be around $50 plus s/h, but there are a few that might be more or less. Let me know if you see a page you’d like to stick on your wall and I’ll send you a picture of the actual page so you can see what it looks like without all the digital enhancements. Thanks!