The Moose Riders, Page 83
Dan does well under pressure, doesn’t he?
Dan does well under pressure, doesn’t he?
Flashback will come to an end next week.
So that’s the end of another flashback, and now we know how the kids got separated from their parents. I know there’s not a whole lot of story happening here, but I like the dramatic effect of one big panel with the kids striking off alone, leaving their folks to an uncertain fate while the […]
Man, it’s been awhile since I’ve had to think about those antlers in 3-D space. Ugh. Despite that challenge, I’m pretty pleased with the way page 86 & 87 look next to each other, but you’ll have to wait for the print comic to see that 😉
I forgot to plug Page 87 on Facebook last Friday, so if you missed it you might want to catch up. It looks like now that I’m back to color, I will also need to go back to the 1-page/week schedule. I was hoping to avoid that, but coloring slows me down a lot. Also, […]
So I finally upgraded to the latest versions of WordPress, Webcomic, and Inkblot last weekend and ended up breaking things a bit. Managed to get a few things sorted out, but for some reason Categories and Tags aren’t working the way they are supposed to. If you have any insight into making these fixes, I’d […]
Don’t know about that “PFF” sound effect in panel 5. Not familiar with the sound a bullet whizzing through snow-covered pine needles makes, but that’s my best guess. Sorry page 90 is a few hours late. Two pages left in Chapter 3, then I’m taking a few weeks to get Chapter 4 prepped before it […]
One more page in Chapter 3!
Here it is–the end of Chapter 3. This marks the halfway point of the 6 chapter story I outlined in late 2009 based on a drawing I made in…2008? Maybe? Took me awhile to get this far due entirely to my own procrastination. Feels good to have shaken that off. Since I got back on […]