Just letting you know that stuff is starting to happen. By now you may have noticed that the funnies are no longer available at chromedomestudios.com, making this subdomain more useful and less redundant. The old site is now more of a portfolio thing, and you can see some of the stuff I’ve been working on, distracting me from important stuff like lecherous old men and boobs. I put together new websites for the Looking Glass Playhouse, a community theater in Lebanon, and the Southern Praying Mantis Kung Fu Academy in St. Louis. To be filed under “nepotism,” you’ll also see the genealogy site I did for my mom, and the cross-stitch site I redesigned for my sister-in-law (to be re-redesigned this summer).
Also did some more Quidditch team art for another Harry Potter conference last Spring, but bailed out on the one that’s in the works for this summer. Actually, I considered bailing out, changed my mind and agreed to do it, then lost contact with the people in charge and eventually found out that I’d been replaced. That’s cool though. My Potions Masters logo from Phoenix Rising was such a big hit, some people got tattoos of it. Sweet, huh?
But I know that’s not why your here. If you stopped by, it’s on the off chance that I got off my butt and drew something. Well, back in the Fall of ’06, I did a guest strip for Yirmumah that addresses my lack of updates (be warned–the language is a bit rougher than I typically use around here, but what do you expect? It’s Yirmumah!) Well, now, over a year after that guest strip, less than two years after a new comic here, I’ve got 4 Grandpa Sex Machine comics in the can and ready to post. I’m currently working on getting a few Sin Police comics ready to go as well. Comics will begin again in April, but I’m not going to promise any kind of regular schedule. I know that’s completely unprofessional, but that sort of fits the definition of someone that doesn’t get paid to do stuff. I’m also thinking about a few other projects, involving zombies, time machines, and beer, but I suppose I don’t really need any more distractions than I’ve already got, do I?
I guess that’s about it for now–check back in April for new comics, and if you subscribed to the old RSS feed, you’ll need to do that all over again as this feed is coming from a new (sub)domain. I appreciate the patience, and those of you that have been bugging me for new comics, I actually appreciate that as well. It just means that I was doing something you dug and wanted more of. See you next month!