Remember when I mentioned the potential downtime a couple weeks back? Well, it’s happening. Just so I’ve got some sort of content updating, I’ve decided to post some stuff from my sketchbook. Lemme give you a little background:
David Sedaris is a really funny writer. I saw him do a reading a few years ago and it was a lot of fun. Anyhow, his semi-autobiographical story, SANTALAND DIARIES
, has a stage version
, adapted by Joe Mantello. Last December, I was in the play, performed at the Lemming Armada. Early in the rehearsal process, the director was thinking about some art on the proscenium and possibly for slides, based partially on the content of the play and partially just on a slightly twisted idea of Christmas. He ended up going with a cleaner/simpler idea, but I had all these sketches that I wanted to show off.
The little stuff on the right would’ve been on the proscenium, and the one on the left…well, I was picturing that as a Norman Rockwell sort of piece, maybe to hang behind the bar of the theater.
More sketches Friday.
Technorati Topic Tags: webcomic, david sedaris, santaland diaries, theatre, theater