Ok, a bit tame compared to last week, but give it time–I’m sure cleavage will once again be featured prominently. Anyhow, when Gus heard that Salt Lake was a popular Spring Break hangout, he might have gotten his hopes up a bit too high.
Fox News: Mouthpiece of the Man
So I’m sitting in the dentist’s office on Wednesday, and the TV in the waiting room was tuned to Fox News. Now, I know its nothing but a right-wing propaganda machine, but I still can’t help being surprised when I actually see it in action. They were actually debating whether Newt Gingrich’s position on the “Liberation” and subsequent occupation of Iraq was better than W’s position, as if those were the only two options. Just accepting that the invasion was necessary, that of COURSE we had to start a war, but only disagreeing on the length of time US troops stuck around. Criminy.