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Sorry no new funnies for awhile.  Here’s what’s up with me:

  • Floors finished, baseboards finished, thresholds nearly finished
  • re-design for nearly complete–hoping to go live with it before the end of August
  • working on posters for a few local theater productions
  • trying to find time to draw the pile of Summer Olympic-inspired GSM ideas I’ve had
  • Set up a Facebook page for GSM

Take special note of that final item, please.  If you have a Facebook profile, and if you dig Grandpa Sex Machine, help a brother out and become a fan, won’t you?

Anyhow, hoping to have some sort of picturey thing to show you later in the week–maybe GSM, maybe just sketchbook stuff, but I’ll try to have some sort of content soon.  I’ll be headed back to the day-job on Wednesday.   Later!