Just wanted to mention that, despite the lack of activity around here, I’m still at work on The Moose Riders. Found out the other day that the fine folks over at ComiXpress, who I’ve been printing my comics through, have decided to retire from the world of print-on-demand comics. Obviously I’m sorry to see them go, but I wish Logan et al. the best of luck. I’ve spent the last few days trying to make a decision about a new printer, and it looks like Ka-Blam is the way to go. They have slightly different tech specs, but if I’m lucky they’ll be able to work with the files I’ve already got. If not, it might take a bit longer for the print comics to become available again. Either way, I will keep you posted.
Anyhow, I guess the point of this post is just to reassure you, the loyal reader, that print comics will come back, and that new pages are on the way when the distractions die down a bit. Chapter 4 will continue as soon as I am able to make it happen. Thank you for your patience!