SP 01.30 The argument continues; I’ve been brutalized

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More squabbling between the brothers today.


Sorry I missed Grandpa on Friday. Seems like I had more time to draw when I had to go to work every day. The first week of Summer vacation has been brutal. Saturday I spent about 9 hours digging trenches in the sun. You know, just for grins. Actually, I was helping install a lawn sprinkler system to try to raise a bit of money to get to ComiCon this summer. I think I might have worked this hard before, but not for like, 10-12 years. My body is rebelling to the unfamiliar activity. You know when your platoon holds you down and takes turns beating you savagely with an orange or bar of soap in a sock? Yeah, me either, but I imagine it would feel a bit like this afterwards. I ache.

Anyhow, starting up a summer class this week, but if Grandpa Sex Machine doesn’t update this Friday, I will give you your money back. Guaranteed.