Simpsons’ fans will get the quote. Of course The Simpsons is the longest running sitcom in the history of the universe–The Sin Police has been running for a lousy 3 months, and I’m already doing a flashback episode? Have I mentioned pacing problems?
I heart Katamari
In keeping with my habit of offering my dumb opinion on stuff that’s so old everyone has already had ample opportunity to form their own opinions, I played the sequel to Katamari Damacy this weekend. It’s just as weird as I heard. There’s this giant vain King of the Cosmos guy who is very impressed with his own beard. His head is shaped like some sort toilet paper dispenser, and he sends his only begotten son to Earth to roll up enormous balls of junk to make replacement stars and planets. And it’s surprisingly fun. Weird, simple, and fun.
Maybe I should write a column for Newsweek or something. “Reviews for Rock Dwellers.” Every column would go something like this:
So I found this cool thing last weekend. It’s old and most of Western Civilization already knows about it, but if you’re completely out of touch like I am, maybe you missed it. Check out Pac-Man. You won’t regret it.
I’ve got my finger on the pulse of Popular Culture. I’m awesome.