SP 01.21 Blahblahblah; Frontyard falconry

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I spent hours trying to cut down on the dialogue, and this is the best I could come up with? Sad.

Birds of Prey

The other day I was driving down Main Street through town on my way to work, and I saw this woman, probably in her late 50s/early 60s, in her relatively small front yard with what looked like a hawk on her arm. She was sort of stooped over, scanning the ground as though searching for a lost set of keys, or perhaps a wounded squirrel. I’ve always thought that falconry would be an interesting hobby, although I have no interest in hunting, but it seems to me that there are better places to practice it than in your 15’x5′ lawn on Main Street, which just happens to be the longest Main Street in the US, btw.

Maybe I’ll train my cotton-top tamarin to hunt with a hawk. That will be stage three in my plan for world domination.

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