Gordon begins his day, embarking on the treacherous journey to his bathroom. This page marks the big switch from ink to sloppy pencils. Is that style, or is that laziness? You be the judge–I’m okay either way.
Again with the Chuck Norris…
You know, the first time I read one of those lists about how awesome Chuck Norris is, I thought is was pretty funny. I even laughed out loud a few times. The first time. After hearing/reading 63 hundred some-odd more jokes about it, it seems to have lost something. Yes, I get it. Deifying a b-list celebrity is funny. The thought that all of life’s problems can be solved with a roundhouse kick to the face holds some appeal. Humanity’s greatest accomplishments being credited to the badassitude of one man who, in actuality, is merely a quasi-badass is pretty entertaining. But enough already. I get it. Can we please move on now?