Happy Frakkin’ Birthday, Chris!

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I was a big fan of Battlestar Galactica when I was a kid.  Loved the show, wanted to be Starbuck: chomping on cigars, mackin’ on the ladies, raking in the cubits playing cards, and shooting down Cylon Raiders in my Viper.

Then Sci Fi did the whole re-imagining thing and I had mixed feelings about it.  I wanted it to give me the same kind of childlike joy that the original series did, and after George Lucas had so thoroughly and repeatedly disappointed me on that count, I was fairly certain that the network that had given us dubious programming like “Stan Lee’s Lightspeed” and “Mansquito” would fail miserably.  So, I didn’t even give it a chance.  My friend Chris told me a few times to watch it, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

Anyhow, a couple weeks ago my wife read a quote from Joss Whedon saying that Battlestar Galactica was the best science fiction show on TV.  Given the fact that Joss Whedon is my master now, I knew I had to watch.  So here I am, just as the fourth and final season is starting, completely lost but wanting to know just what Joss thinks is so awesome.

So Chris comes to the rescue, loaning me the season one DVDs, and once again I’m late to the party but happy to be here, spending hours glued to the TV catching up on the first 3 seasons.  Today’s Chris’s birthday, so just thought I’d give him this shout-out to say, “Thanks for the DVD loan–I wish I had listened to you in the first place.”  Happy birthday, man.