SP 01.31 Eddie plays the card

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At the risk of losing the last couple of readers that have put up w/ my sporadic updates, let me fill you in on the current plan. I’m cutting back to a once a week schedule, the plan being to alternate between the Sin Police one week and Grandpa Sex Machine the next. But, no promises that I’ll even hit that. This is intended to just get me through the summer, and hopefully I’ll also be able to get a few extras done at the same time to hold me through the busier times at school. So, once a week (or less) for now, and then back to the regular schedule in September.

Once again, if you do want to know when an update happens without checking back here repeatedly, just subscribe to the RSS feed. That way you’ll know when it’s new. Cool?

SP 01.30 The argument continues; I’ve been brutalized

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More squabbling between the brothers today.


Sorry I missed Grandpa on Friday. Seems like I had more time to draw when I had to go to work every day. The first week of Summer vacation has been brutal. Saturday I spent about 9 hours digging trenches in the sun. You know, just for grins. Actually, I was helping install a lawn sprinkler system to try to raise a bit of money to get to ComiCon this summer. I think I might have worked this hard before, but not for like, 10-12 years. My body is rebelling to the unfamiliar activity. You know when your platoon holds you down and takes turns beating you savagely with an orange or bar of soap in a sock? Yeah, me either, but I imagine it would feel a bit like this afterwards. I ache.

Anyhow, starting up a summer class this week, but if Grandpa Sex Machine doesn’t update this Friday, I will give you your money back. Guaranteed.

SP 01.29 Buckle Up for Safety; It’s soooo slooooowww…

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Monday was late, but this one should post on time. And, for the record, I friggin’ hate my dial-up connection. I mentioned Monday how unreliable it is. On the rare occassion that it actually does connect, it is painfully slow. I’m sitting here at 2AM Tuesday morning typing this because when I finally connected, I figured I should get the latest virus definitions and whatnot. That crap’s been downloading for an hour and a half and I’m only halfway there. When I win the lottery, getting a broadband connection is in the top 3 things I’m going to do first, along with rolling around in a big pile of cash and bribing a politician.

BTW, anybody catch the Beatles reference in Monday’s strip?

SP 01.27 Wha…?! ; Monster Machine

3 Comments on SP 01.27 Wha…?! ; Monster Machine

Well, that clears everything up, doesn’t it?

Monster Machine

Monster Machine is a cool comic by Daniel M. Davis you should definitely check out. Looks like it just started last month, so it won’t take long to get through the archives. Very cool art, and a weird/funny strip about this little demon thing and a robot w/ a skull. Or something. Anyhow, read it and be entertained.

SP 01.26 Enter Eddie; Pottery

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Holy, Crap! It’s a new character! Gordon’s brother comes on the scene today. Check back next time for the thrilling answer to the cliffhanger question, “What did Eddie trip over?!” I know, it’s hard, but you’ll just have to wait.

I want to be a potter.

Not as in related to Harry, although that’d be cool, too, but as in a guy that makes pots. Went to this street fair thing in Lebanon over the weekend. In addition to Uncle Huffy’s Bar-B-Q, the highlights included Cox Pottery and some blacksmiths. I’ve done a little bit of each, and in my small experience, there’s less sweat in the field of pottery than in smithing. Still, my wheel-throwing skills are limited at best. I’ll need a lot more practice before I can quit my day job. I just dig the look of the raku pottery.

SP 01.25 The crap continues; Kurtz’s other comic

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Sucks to be Gordon.

Truth, Justin, and the American Way

Scott Kurtz, of PVP fame, is the co-creator (along with Aaron Williams and Giuseppe Ferrario) of a new-ish comic called Truth, Justin, and the Amercian Way, and it’s awesome. Issue 1 sold out completely, so if you missed it you oughta check out the online version that they put up for those that missed it. It’s about this kid that gets a suit w/ super-powers, ala The Greatest American Hero (which was awesome, too). It’s full of 80’s pop-culture references, which, for an old man like me, is a lot of fun. Ferarrio’s art kicks all kinds of ass, and it’s a great read.

SP 01.24 “Sorry for the Clip Show!” ; Katamari

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Simpsons’ fans will get the quote. Of course The Simpsons is the longest running sitcom in the history of the universe–The Sin Police has been running for a lousy 3 months, and I’m already doing a flashback episode? Have I mentioned pacing problems?

I heart Katamari

In keeping with my habit of offering my dumb opinion on stuff that’s so old everyone has already had ample opportunity to form their own opinions, I played the sequel to Katamari Damacy this weekend. It’s just as weird as I heard. There’s this giant vain King of the Cosmos guy who is very impressed with his own beard. His head is shaped like some sort toilet paper dispenser, and he sends his only begotten son to Earth to roll up enormous balls of junk to make replacement stars and planets. And it’s surprisingly fun. Weird, simple, and fun.

Maybe I should write a column for Newsweek or something. “Reviews for Rock Dwellers.” Every column would go something like this:

So I found this cool thing last weekend. It’s old and most of Western Civilization already knows about it, but if you’re completely out of touch like I am, maybe you missed it. Check out Pac-Man. You won’t regret it.

I’ve got my finger on the pulse of Popular Culture. I’m awesome.

SP 01.23 Crap break; Broke brakes

2 Comments on SP 01.23 Crap break; Broke brakes

Gordon pulls over to freak out, and last week’s Grandpa Sex Machine has been finished up a bit more, so check it out.

I’m not a car guy

I’m not good with cars. I spent lots of time as a kid in the garage with Dad, learning how to change brakes, oil, radiators, water pumps, alternators, exhaust systems, etc., etc., etc. Some of the most miserable moments of my life were spent in that garage, working on stuff that should have been an afternoon of work but ended up taking all weekend because one thing or another went wrong.

Anyhow, now that experience should come in handy because my brakes have crapped out and pulling the money out of my butt to have someone else fix it is going to be quite a challenge. Problem is, I haven’t done this crap in like, 15 years or so. I could probably use my dad’s tools, but he doesn’t move quite as well as he used to, so I’d be mostly on my own. I’m bad at taking care of cars, that’s all there is to it.

Someone just invent a safe, reliable teleporter already, so I can quit with all this car maintenance crap.