Not slacking, honest

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Sorry for the lack of Grandpa Sex Machine this week, but like I mentioned before, home remodeling is taking priority right now. I’ve been sneezing incessantly since this whole thing began–good times.

Wanted to mention that the Belleville Chapter of the Drink and Draw Social Club (which I’ve been absent from for the past couple weeks) is having a Dr. Sketchy’s inspired evening this Thursday. Mosaics on Main has invited the Alley Cat Revue, so for a $10 cover charge you’ll be able to draw burlesque performers. So once again–all you St. Louis area artists–bring your sketchbooks and come hang out with us tomorrow night!

Sketchbook: Dudes!

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Didn’t get a chance to go to the drink and draw last night either–next week I think I’ll be able to get back at it.

Up top you see more junk from my sketchbook–fairly old junk at that. First three are a few coffee-swillin’ guys that I spotted at the Illinois High School Theatre Festival a few years ago. Len is a guy I know from a local community theater–I drew that at rehearsal one night for Damn Yankees, about 3 years ago.

Carpet is gone from two bedrooms. The tack strips were held to the floor with 3-inch nails–guess they needed the extra length to get through the TWO FRIGGIN’ LAYERS of tile that they just left underneath. The former owners of this house are my FAVORITE!

Well this just sucks.

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DJ Coffman posted this yesterday, and I just got around to reading it now. Pretty lousy news. If you haven’t been reading Hero By Night, it’s really good stuff–DJ has really made an effort to re-capture the fun-ness of Kirby-era superheroes.  Show some support for DJ and the HBN–go buy all the back-issues you can get your hands on.  Probably too late to make any real difference, but at least you’ll have a stack of high quality reading.

GSM 01.24 Summer Vacation

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As of last Thursday, my summer has arrived. To celebrate, got together w/ Tim (and another Tim, too) last night and did some home brewing. It’s been so long since we brewed that we forgot how the whole thing is supposed to work. Should know in a couple weeks whether or not we got it right. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say mistakes were made–with any luck, though, none of them were deadly.

The big project now is to tear up all the carpet and replace it with tile and laminate flooring. Not nearly as much fun as brewing beer, but it’s gotta be done. Once the old carpet is gone, I think things will go smoothly (Tim is running the whole installation and knows what he’s doing), but getting the old floor up (there are two layers of tile under the carpet (ugh)) will be a tremendous pain in my butt.

Anyhow, the point of me sharing my re-modeling woes with you is that this could potentially eat into my Grandpa time. I’m going to try to stick to a regular schedule, but be prepared for the occasional delay. I know that’s sucky and unprofessional, but it’s the best I can offer. I will promise not to go on another 2 year hiatus, though. Cool?

Sketchbook: Zombies!

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Didn’t make it to the Drink and Draw last night, so just a couple zombie sketches here. The comic I’m submitting to the Comic Book Challenge will feature zombies. And a moose. Speaking of the challenge, the deadline’s been pushed back a couple weeks, so that means I don’t have to rush page 3 of my submission, which I was worried about. Although not worried enough to just draw it in January, I guess.

Shopping for laminate floor today. Good times.

My passion for WHAT?!

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If you are logged in on eBay, the front page has this bit that says “Fuel your passion for _____” and then fills that blank with your most recent eBay purchase and lists several related items.  That’s great and all, but my most recent eBay purchase was a one-shot Goon comic by Eric Powell entitled “Satan’s Sodomy Baby.”  This results in an unfortunate and disturbing choice of words.

If I truly had a passion for Satan’s Sodomy Baby, I doubt that any fueling of said passion would be wise or, in fact, necessary. 

Drink and Draw 2

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So last night was the second “official” meeting, and was basically a meeting of one. Gene was there but working (there was a small crowd for the jazz band that was playing (good stuff)), Marsha had a previous obligation, and nobody new showed up. I’m feeling a bit pathetic.

Anyhow, up above you see what I drew while drinking alone. The girl is actually an older drawing that I was finishing up a bit, but I’m struggling to figure out a way for Gus to interact with her. A reference to a teabag seems a bit too obvious.

The other rough drawing, like Girl w/ Moose from last week, is tied into this drawing, which I’ll give you more info on next week. Have a good holiday weekend–stay safe.

Harvey will kick your entire ass.

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Harvey CD Release Party!So, I’m going to take a second to plug this band, Harvey, on account of their ability to kick all kinds of ass. Three of these guys are former students of mine, but I can’t claim any credit for their prodigious talent–they were awesome before I ever met them. I saw them perform a few weeks back at Mosaics in Belleville and they put on a great show. If you’re in the Alton area Sat. night, go to the shindig there. I can’t make it, but you totally should. They rock socks.

Tom Waits’ True Confessions

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So Tom Waits is my MySpace friend, right? (I know! How cool am I?) Anyhow, I just read this bulletin and quite enjoyed it. I think my favorite bit was the “words to live by.”

I just upgraded to the latest WordPress and ComicPress and am in the middle of tweaking things, so please forgive me if it all gets jacked up for a bit.  Very busy w/ end-of-the-school-year junk, so it might be awhile ’til it’s all ironed out.