Well this just sucks.

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DJ Coffman posted this yesterday, and I just got around to reading it now. Pretty lousy news. If you haven’t been reading Hero By Night, it’s really good stuff–DJ has really made an effort to re-capture the fun-ness of Kirby-era superheroes.  Show some support for DJ and the HBN–go buy all the back-issues you can get your hands on.  Probably too late to make any real difference, but at least you’ll have a stack of high quality reading.

The Comic Book Challenge…

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…is advertising HERE!  Check that stuff out, man!  I was pretty excited to see that D.J. Coffman’s Hero by Night bid on advertising here, but now the contest that turned D.J. from a comics curmudgeon into a giddy comics superstar has also chosen to use my humble site to promote itself.  Very cool.  So check them out (last years’s winner, Jorge Vega’s Gunplay, is super-cool, too), and enter your own comic–before the end of the month!